Me! As of 30/04/2017.
Hello! My name is Nova. I was born on October 13ᵗʰ, 1997 in the town of Creston, British Columbia, where I still reside. I live with my Mom and spend all my free time on the internet, when I'm not working at the local theatre.

I've found the "me" that I am today through such a wide variety of influences that it can be hard to pin down my personality. I've met and grown alongside many wonderful people, and whether or not they're still at my side, I am grateful for all of them. I've watched films, read stories, and heard songs that have all changed my life. I live life one day at a time, delving into data and constantly transforming as I partake in new experiences.

But as nebulous as I may be, there's a lot about me that never seems to change! I'm a furry, I'm a reckless lover, I'm always yearning for adventures and connections that excite me. In particular, I've came to love video games and music very much!

From darkest depths I've seen light, and from highest skies I've seen the dark of that beneath me. Only now, I've found my own gray in the middle of it all. Through my hardships I've came to recognize that everyone is worthy of love, and that I should focus on developing myself, as I'm the only thing I'm guaranteed to have throughout the remainder of my life. Thus, I hope to make myself the best I can be to everyone and myself, in an effort to destroy any shred of fear in the hearts of those upon this world!

I've discovered there's a thousand answers to every question I could ever possibly have. I've discovered an endless variety of music that elicits feelings and emotions previously thought to be beyond the possibilities of my own imagination. Inspired by what I've found, I've set out into the world of expressing myself in any ways which I can.

Right now I feel genuinely blessed to know the people I do and am looking forward to meeting many more fantastic people in the future. Currently, I'm working towards moving to a big city where I'll be able to better make friends with more like-minded people. Wish me luck out there, would you? I'll be doing the same for you! ♥